AFO Solid air

AFO Solid
Posterior Leaf Spring (PLS)
is a rigid AFO trimmed behind the malleoli’s to provide flexibility at the ankle and allows passive ankle dorsiflexion during the stance phase. A PLSO provides smoother knee-ankle motion during walking while preventing excessive ankle dorsiflexion Varus-valgus control.
mild spastic equinus, Drop foot at swing phase
Ankle foot orthosis, posterior solid ankle, posterior trimlines plastic made of 4mm to 5mm Polypropylene, custom fabricated. Unilateral per foot
with an addition to lower extremity orthosis, soft interface of 3mm to 4mm Aliplast or soft EVA for molded plastic, below knee section.
with single straps hoop and loop (velcro type) for proper closure, measured to cast,
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